Prof. Tiago Davi Curi Busarello
Some of my publications have simulations and script files freely available!
Title | Power Electronic Converters And Systems Volume 1 - Converters and machine drives |
Edition | 2nd | |
ISBN | 9781839537677 e-ISBN: 9781839537684 | |
Editors | Marcelo Godoy Simões and Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Year | 2024 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | IET | |
Link | |
Title | Power Electronic Converters And Systems Volume 2 - Applications |
Edition | 2nd | |
ISBN | 9781839537691 e-ISBN: 9781839537707 | |
Editors | Marcelo Godoy Simões and Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Year | 2024 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | IET | |
Link | |
Chapters of Books
Title | Hardware-in-the-Loop technology and applications in power electronics | |
ISBN | 9781839537691 e-ISBN: 9781839537707 | |
Chapter's Authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Marcelo Godoy Simões; Hannu Laaksonen | |
Book | Power Electronic Converters And Systems Volume 2 - Applications |
Author | Marcelo Godoy Simões; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Year | 2024 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | IET | |
Link | |
Title | Distributed generation and microgrids | |
ISBN | 9781839537691 e-ISBN: 9781839537707 | |
Chapter's Authors | Marcelo Godoy Simões; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Book | Power Electronic Converters And Systems Volume 2 - Applications |
Author | Marcelo Godoy Simões; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Year | 2024 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | IET | |
Link | |
Title | Multilevel converters | |
ISBN | 9781839537677 e-ISBN: 9781839537684 | |
Chapter's Authors | João I.Y. Ota; Tiago D. C. Busarello; José A. Pomilio | |
Book | Power Electronic Converters and Systems Volume 1 - Converters and machine drives |
Author | Marcelo Godoy Simões; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Year | 2024 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | IET | |
Link | |
Title | Semiconductor Diodes and Transistors | |
ISBN | Hardback ISBN: 9780323992169 - eBook ISBN: 9780323993432 | |
Chapter's Authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Marcelo Godoy Simões and José Antenor Pomilio | |
Book | Power Electronics Handbook - 5th edition | |
Author | Muhammad Rashid | |
Year | 2023 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States |
Link | |
Title | Semiconductor Diodes and Transistors | |
ISBN | eBook ISBN: 9780128114087 Hardcover ISBN: 9780128114070 | |
Chapter's Authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Marcelo Godoy Simões and José Antenor Pomilio | |
Book | Power Electronics Handbook - 4th edition | |
Author | Muhammad Rashid | |
Year | 2017 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States |
Link | |
Title | Distributed Generators and Microgrids | |
ISBN | 978-1-84919-826-4 | |
Chapter's Authors | Marcelo Godoy Simões and Tiago Davi Curi Busarello | |
Book | Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Frontiers and applications | |
Author | Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski | |
Year | 2017 | |
Language | English | |
Publisher | The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) | |
Link | |
Papers published in periodicals and journals
Title | Second-Harmonic Ripple in Two-Stage Single-Phase Photovoltaic Inverters: Analysis and Mitigation |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1002/cta.4335 |
Author | Dayane do Carmo Mendonça |
Co-authors | Gleison Viana Silva, Heverton Augusto Pereira, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Allan Fagner Cupertino |
Periodical | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications |
Year | 2024 |
Country | |
For citation | D. do Carmo Mendonça, G. Viana Silva, H. Augusto Pereira, T. D. Curi Busarello, e A. Fagner Cupertino, “Second-Harmonic Ripple in Two-Stage Single-Phase Photovoltaic Inverters: Analysis and Mitigation”, Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl., vol. n/a, no n/a |
Title | An Improved digital multi-resonant controller for 3ϕ grid-tied and standalone PV system under balanced and unbalanced conditions |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1016/j.asej.2024.103036 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Waqar Uddin, Muhammad Khalid |
Periodical | Elsevier - Ain Shams Engineering Journal |
Year | 2024 |
Country | |
For citation | K. Zeb, T. D. C. Busarello, W. Uddin, e M. Khalid, “An Improved digital multi-resonant controller for 3ϕ grid-tied and standalone PV system under balanced and unbalanced conditions”, Ain Shams Eng. J., vol. 15, no 11, p. 103036, nov. 2024 |
Title | A Concise Methodology of Field-Oriented Control Design with Parameter Variation Analysis for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.36227/techrxiv.171466573.38122211/v1 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Abdullah Bubshait, Oruganti V S R Varaprasad, Abdulhakeem Alsaleem, Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Periodical | TechRxiv (an open server for unpublished research) |
Year | 2024 |
Country | |
Simulation Files | |
For citation | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Abdullah Bubshait, Oruganti V S R Varaprasad, et al. A Concise Methodology of Field-Oriented Control Design with Parameter Variation Analysis for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives. TechRxiv. May 02, 2024. |
Title | Design and Performance Evaluation of SMC-Based DC DC Converters for Microgrid Applications |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | |
Author | Qudrat Ullah |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Danilo Iglesias Brandao; Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Periodical | MDPI Energies |
Year | 2023 |
Country | |
For citation | Ullah, Qudrat, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Danilo Iglesias Brandao, and Marcelo Godoy Simões. 2023. "Design and Performance Evaluation of SMC-Based DC–DC Converters for Microgrid Applications" Energies 16, no. 10: 4212 |
Title | A PLL-less Vector Control technique for the single-phase Grid connected inverters |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | |
Author | K.S. Raja Sekhar |
Co-authors | Madhuri A. Chaudhari; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Periodical | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier) |
Year | 2022 |
Country | |
For citation | K. S. Raja Sekhar, M. A. Chaudhari, e T. Davi Curi Busarello, “A PLL-less Vector Control technique for the single-phase Grid connected inverters”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 142, p. 108353, nov. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108353. |
Title | An enhanced fast fundamental frequency estimator for three-phase electric aircraft grid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111142 |
Author | Bhumaiah Jula |
Co-authors | Raj Kumar Jarial; Anant KumarVerma; Pedro Roncero Sánchez; Josép M.Guerrero; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Hafiz Ahmed |
Periodical | Measurement (Elsevier) |
Year | 2022 |
Country | |
For citation | B. Jula et al., An enhanced fast fundamental frequency estimator for three-phase electric aircraft grid, Measurement, vol. 196, p. 111142, jun. 2022 |
Title | Structural batteries and their applications in electric vehicles: a review (in portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.34117/bjdv8n4-305 |
Author | Henrique Friggi Ivanovich |
Co-authors | Alex Fabiano Bueno, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Adriano Peres, Clayton Andre Motta, Lírio Schaeffer |
Periodical | Brazilian Journal of Development |
Year | 2022 |
Country | |
For citation | H. F. Ivanovich, T. D. C. Busarello, A. F. Bueno, A. Peres, C. A. Motta, e L. Schaeffer, Baterias estruturais e suas aplicacoes em veículos eletricos: uma revisao / Structural batteries and their applications in electric vehicles: a review, Brazilian Journal of Development, vol. 8, no 4, Art. no 4, abr. 2022 |
Title | Faults and Fault Ride Through strategies for grid-connected photovoltaic system: A comprehensive review |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112125 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Saif Ul Islamb; Imran Khanc; Waqar Uddind; M. Ishfaqe; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; S. M. Muyeeng; Iftikhar Ahmada; H. J. Kim |
Periodical | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews |
Year | 2022 |
Country | |
For citation | K. Zeb et al., Faults and Fault Ride Through strategies for grid-connected photovoltaic system: A comprehensive review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 158, p. 112125, abr. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112125. |
Title | A Robust Half-Cycle Single-Phase Pre-Filtered Open-Loop Frequency Estimator for Fast Tracking of Amplitude and Phase |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIM.2021.3129211 |
Author | Anant Kumar Verma |
Co-authors | Pedro Roncero-Sánchez; Hafiz Ahmed; Seifeddine Ben Elghali; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement |
Year | 2021 |
Country | |
For citation | A. K. Verma, P. Roncero-Sánchez, H. Ahmed, S. B. Elghali and T. D. C. Busarello, "A Robust Half-Cycle Single-Phase Prefiltered Open-Loop Frequency Estimator for Fast Tracking of Amplitude and Phase," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-12, 2022, Art no. 1500312, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3129211. |
Title | Control Strategy Based on Arm-Level Control for Output and Circulating Current of MMC in Stationary Reference Frame |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/en14144160 |
Author | Waqar Uddin |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Kamran Zeb; Muhammad Adil Khan; Anil Kumar Yedluri ; H. J. Kim |
Periodical | MDPI Energies |
Year | 2021 |
Country | |
For citation | Uddin, W.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Zeb, K.; Khan, M.A.; Yedluri, A.K.; Kim, H.-J. Control Strategy Based on Arm-Level Control for Output and Circulating Current of MMC in Stationary Reference Frame. Energies 2021, 14, 4160. |
Title | High-Performance and Multi-Functional Control for Transformerless Single-Phase Smart Inverter for Grid-connected PV System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | soon |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Saif Ul Islam; Waqar Uddin; Imran Khan; Muhammad Ishfaq; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; H. J. Kim |
Periodical | Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy |
Year | 2020 |
Country | |
For citation | K. Zeb et al., "High-Performance and Multi-Functional Control for Transformerless Single-Phase Smart Inverter for Grid-connected PV System," in Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy |
Title | Power Management Algorithm for a Conservative Power Theory Battery Storage Based Multi-functional Three Phase Grid Connected PV Inverter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1002/2050-7038.12605 |
Author | Oruganti, V S R |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Venkata Samba Sesha Siva Sarma Dhanikonda, Ali Mortezaei; M. G. Simões |
Periodical | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) |
Year | 2020 |
Country | |
For citation | Oruganti, VSRV, Dhanikonda, Venkata Samba Sesha Siva Sarma, Mortezaei, A, Busarello, TDC, Simões, MG. Power management algorithm for a conservative power theory battery storage based multi-functional three phase grid connected PV inverter. Int Trans Electr Energ Syst. 2020;e12605. |
Title | Highly Accurate Digital Current Controllers for Single-Phase LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverters |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/electricity1010002 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Kamran Zeb; M. G. Simões |
Periodical | MDPI Eletricity |
Year | 2020 |
Country | |
Simulation | |
For citation | Curi Busarello, T.D.; Zeb, K.; Simões, M.G. Highly Accurate Digital Current Controllers for Single-Phase LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverters. Electricity 2020, 1, 12-36. |
Title | Design of Super Twisting Sliding Mode Controller for a Three-Phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic System under Normal and Abnormal Conditions |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/en13153773 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Ul Islam, S.; Uddin, W.; Raghavendra, K.V.G.; Khan, M.A.; Kim, H.-J. |
Periodical | MDPI Energies |
Year | 2020 |
Country | |
For citation | Zeb, K.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Ul Islam, S.; Uddin, W.; Raghavendra, K.V.G.; Khan, M.A.; Kim, H.-J. Design of Super Twisting Sliding Mode Controller for a Three-Phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic System under Normal and Abnormal Conditions. Energies 2020, 13, 3773. |
Title | Understanding the Staircase Modulation Strategy and its Application in both Isolated and Grid-Connected Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIA.2019.2927189 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Andre L. M. S. Reuter; Adriano Peres; M. G. Simões |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
Year | 2019 |
Country | |
Simulation | File 1: The staircase modulation in an open-loop File 2: The staircase modulation in a current control closed-loop File 3: The staircase modulation in a voltage control closed-loop |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, A. L. d. S. M. Reuter, A. Peres and M. Simões, "Understanding the Staircase Modulation Strategy and its Application in both Isolated and Grid-Connected Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. July 2019. |
Title | Design of Fuzzy-PI and Fuzzy-Sliding Mode Controllers for Single-Phase Two-Stages Grid-Connected Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/electronics8050520 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Saif Ul Islam, Waqar Ud Din, Imran Khan, Muhammad Ishfaq, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Iftikhar Ahmad, Hee Je Kim |
Periodical | Electronics - (EISSN 2079-9292) -- OPEN ACCESS |
Year | 2019 |
Country | |
For citation | Zeb, K.; Islam, S.U.; Din, W.U.; Khan, I.; Ishfaq, M.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Ahmad, I.; Kim, H.J. Design of Fuzzy-PI and Fuzzy-Sliding Mode Controllers for Single-Phase Two-Stages Grid-Connected Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter. Electronics 2019, 8, 520. |
Title | Design of Robust Fuzzy Logic Controller Based on the Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm and Fault Ride Trough Strategies for a Grid-Connected PV System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/electronics8040429 |
Author | Saif Ul Islam |
Co-authors | Kamran Zeb, Waqar Ud Din, Imran Khan, Muhammad Ishfaq, Altaf Hussain, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Hee Je Kim |
Periodical | Electronics - (EISSN 2079-9292) -- OPEN ACCESS |
Year | 2019 |
Country | |
For citation | Islam, S.U.; Zeb, K.; Din, W.U.; Khan, I.; Ishfaq, M.; Hussain, A.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Kim, H.J. Design of Robust Fuzzy Logic Controller Based on the Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm and Fault Ride Trough Strategies for a Grid-Connected PV System. Electronics 2019, 8, 429. |
Title | Design of a Proportional Resonant Controller with Resonant Harmonic Compensator and Fault Ride Trough Strategies for a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/electronics7120451 |
Author | Saif Ul Islam |
Co-authors | Kamran Zeb, Waqar Ud Din, Imran Khan, Muhammad Ishfaq, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Hee Je Kim |
Periodical | Electronics - (EISSN 2079-9292) -- OPEN ACCESS |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | Islam, S.U.; Zeb, K.; Din, W.U.; Khan, I.; Ishfaq, M.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Kim, H.J. Design of a Proportional Resonant Controller with Resonant Harmonic Compensator and Fault Ride Trough Strategies for a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System. Electronics 2018, 7, 451. |
Title | Application of the Conservative Power Theory Current Decomposition in a Load Power Sharing Strategy among Distributed Energy Resources |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIA.2018.2820641 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Ali Mortezaei; Adriano Péres; Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, A. Mortezaei, A. Peres and M. Simões, "Application of the Conservative Power Theory Current Decomposition in a Load Power-Sharing Strategy Among Distributed Energy Resources," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 3771-3781, July-Aug. 2018. |
Title | A Review on Recent Advances and Future Trends of Transformerless Inverter Structures for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/en11081968 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Imran Khan, Waqar Uddin, Muhammad Adil Khan, P. Sathishkumar, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Iftikhar Ahmad, H. J. Kim |
Periodical | Energies (ISSN 1996-1073) -- OPEN SOURCE |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | Zeb, K.; Khan, I.; Uddin, W.; Khan, M.A.; Sathishkumar, P.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Ahmad, I.; Kim, H.J. A Review on Recent Advances and Future Trends of Transformerless Inverter Structures for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. Energies 2018, 11, 1968. |
Title | Dynamic Simulations of Adaptive Design Approaches to Control the Speed of an Induction Machine Considering Parameter Uncertainties and External Perturbations |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.3390/en11092339 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Imran Khan, Waqar Uddin, Muhammad Adil Khan, Ayesha Khan, Umair Younas, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, , H. J. Kim |
Periodical | Energies (ISSN 1996-1073) -- OPEN SOURCE |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | Zeb, K.; Din, W.U.; Khan, M.A.; Khan, A.; Younas, U.; Busarello, T.D.C.; Kim, H.J. Dynamic Simulations of Adaptive Design Approaches to Control the Speed of an Induction Machine Considering Parameter Uncertainties and External Perturbations. Energies 2018, 11, 2339. |
Title | Synergistic Operation between Battery Energy Storage and Photovoltaic Generator Systems to Assist Management of Microgrids |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1049/iet-gtd.2018.0314 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Helmo Kelis Morales Paredes; José Antenor Pomilio; Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Periodical | IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, H. K. M. Paredes, J. A. Pomilio and M. G. Simões, "Synergistic operation between battery energy storage and photovoltaic generator systems to assist management of microgrids," in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2944-2951, 7 10 2018. |
Title | Simplified Small-Signal Model for Output Voltage Control of Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TPEL.2017.2704919 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Ali Mortezaei; Helmo Kelis Morales Paredes; Ahmed Al-Durra; José Antenor Pomilio; Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, A. Mortezaei, H. K. M. Paredes, A. Al-Durra, J. A. Pomilio and M. G. Simões, "Simplified Small-Signal Model for Output Voltage Control of Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 3509-3519, April 2018. |
Title | Grid-Connected Symmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Converter for Power Quality Improvement |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIA.2018.2793840 |
Author | Ali Mortezaei |
Co-authors | Marcelo Simões; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Fernando Pinhabel Marafao; Ahmed Al Durra |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões, T. D. C. Busarello, F. P. Marafão and A. Al-Durra, "Grid-Connected Symmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Converter for Power Quality Improvement," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 2792-2805, May-June 2018. |
Title | Selective Sharing of Load Current Components Among Parallel Power Electronic Interfaces in Three-phase Four-wire Stand-alone Microgrid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1080/15325008.2017.1310773 |
Author | A. Mortezaei |
Co-authors | M. G. Simões, F. P. Marafão, J. M. Guerrero, A. A. Durra, and Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Periodical | Taylor&Francis - Electric Power Components and Systems |
Year | 2017 |
Country | |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões, F. P. Marafao, J. M. Guerrero, A. A. Durra, and T. D. C. Busarello, 'Selective Sharing of Load Current Components Among Parallel Power Electronic Interfaces in Three-phase Four-wire Stand-alone Microgrid' Electr. Power Compon. Syst., vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–17, May 2017. |
Title | A three-phase battery storage system with transformerless cascaded multilevel inverter for distribution grid applications |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1049/iet-rpg.2016.0629 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Ali Mortezaei, Abdullah S. Bubshait and Marcelo G. Simões |
Periodical | IET Renewable Power Generation (Volume: PP, Issue: ,Jan. 2017 ) |
Year | 2017 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, A. Mortezaei, A. S. Bubshait and M. G. Simões, "Three-phase battery storage system with transformerless cascaded multilevel inverter for distribution grid applications," in IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 742-749, 5 10 2017. |
Title | Power Quality Enhancement for a Grid Connected Wind Turbine Energy System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIA.2017.2657482 |
Author | Abdullah S. Bubshait |
Co-authors | Ali Mortezaei, Marcelo G. Simões and Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications ( Volume: PP, Issue: ,Jan. 2017 ) |
Year | 2017 |
Country | |
For citation | A. S. Bubshait; A. Mortezaei; M. Simões; T. Busarello, "Power Quality Enhancement for a Grid Connected Wind Turbine Energy System," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1 |
Title | Passive Filter Aided by Shunt Compensators Based on the Conservative Power Theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIA.2016.2544829 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio and Marcelo G. Simões |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications ( Volume: 52, Issue: 4, July-Aug. 2016 ) |
Year | 2016 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, J. A. Pomilio and M. G. Simões, "Passive Filter Aided by Shunt Compensators Based on the Conservative Power Theory," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 3340-3347, July-Aug. 2016. |
Title | Multifunctional Control Strategy for Asymmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter in Microgrid Applications |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/TIA.2016.2627521 |
Author | Ali Mortezaei |
Co-authors | Marcelo G. Simões, Abdullah S. Bubshait, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Fernando Pinhabel Marafao and Ahmed Al Durra |
Periodical | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications ( Volume: 53, Issue: 2, March-April 2017 ) |
Year | 2016 |
Country | |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões, A. S. Bubshait, T. D. C. Busarello, F. P. Marafão and A. Al-Durra, "Multifunctional Control Strategy for Asymmetrical Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter in Microgrid Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 1538-1551, March-April 2017. |
Title | Bidirectional multilevel shunt compensator with simultaneous functionalities based on the conservative power theory for battery-based storages |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0900 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio |
Periodical | IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Journal) |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. Curi Busarello and J. Antenor Pomilio, “Bidirectional multilevel shunt compensator with simultaneous functionalities based on the conservative power theory for battery-based storages,” IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1361–1368, 2015. |
Title | Interactive Smart Battery Storage for a PV and Wind Hybrid Energy Management Control Based on Conservative Power Theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1080/00207179.2015.1102971 |
Author | M. G. Simões |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Abdullah Saad Bubshait, Farnaz Harichi,l José Antenor Pomilio, Frede Blaabjerg |
Periodical | Taylor & Francis International Journal of Control |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | M. G. Simões, T. D. C. Busarello, A. S. Bubshait, F. Harirchi, J. A. Pomilio, and F. Blaabjerg, “Interactive smart battery storage for a PV and wind hybrid energy management control based on conservative power theory,” Int. J. Control, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 850-870, Oct. 2015. |
Title | Contributions to the Design of Derivative Hybrid Filter: Modeling and Analysis in Distorted Voltage Grid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1007/s40313-014-0127-5 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Newton da Silva, Edson Adriano Vendrusculo, José Antenor Pomilio |
Periodical | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical System |
Year | 2014 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | Busarello, T.D.C., da Silva, N., Vendrusculo, E.A. et al. J Control Autom Electr Syst (2014) 25: 448 |
Title | Simplified Digital Control for a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Josue B. Dias |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Leandro Michels, Cassiano Rech, Marcello Mezaroba |
Periodical | Power Electronics Magazine |
Year | 2011 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Papers published in conferences
Title | CPT-based Active Power Filter with Repetitive Controller and Capacitor Voltage Feedforward under Non-Ideal Grid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ANDESCON61840.2024.10755754 |
Author | José de Arimatéia O. Filho |
Co-authors | Paulo Fernando Silva, Luis De Oro Arenas, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Helmo Kelis Morales Paredes |
Conference | IEEE ANDESCON |
Year | 2024 |
Country | |
For citation | J. d. A. O. Filho, P. F. Silva, L. De Oro Arenas, T. D. C. Busarello and H. K. M. Paredes, "CPT-based Active Power Filter with Repetitive Controller and Capacitor Voltage Feedforward under Non-Ideal Grid," 2024 IEEE ANDESCON, Cusco, Peru, 2024, pp. 1-6 |
Title | Enhanced Discrete-time Differentiators for State Observers of Sensorless Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor Drives |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/SPEC56436.2023.10407871 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | - |
Conference | IEEE COBEP/SPEC 2023 - 17th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference 8th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference |
Year | 2023 |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. Curi Busarello, "Enhanced Discrete-Time Differentiators for State Observers of Sensorless Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor Drives," 2023 IEEE 8th Southern Power Electronics Conference and 17th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (SPEC/COBEP), Florianopolis, Brazil, 2023, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Parks-McClellan algorithm-based Active Damping Strategy Applied to Grid-Connected Inverters |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/SPEC56436.2023.10408160 |
Author | José de Arimatéia O. Filho |
Co-authors | Gabriel Lucas Bressanini; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Luis De Oro Arenas; Paulo Fernando Silva; Helmo Kelis Morales Paredes |
Conference | IEEE COBEP/SPEC 2023 - IEEE COBEP/SPEC 2023 - 17th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference 8th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference |
Year | 2023 |
Country | |
For citation | J. d. A. O. Filho, G. L. Bressanini, T. D. Curi Busarello, L. De Oro Arenas, P. F. Silva and H. K. Morales Paredes, "Parks-McClellan Algorithm-Based Active Damping Strategy Applied to Grid-Connected Inverters," 2023 IEEE 8th Southern Power Electronics Conference and 17th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (SPEC/COBEP), Florianopolis, Brazil, 2023, pp. 1-7 |
Title | Design of a Digital Phase Lead-And-Lag Voltage Control Based on Frequency Response Approach for Single-Phase Half-Bridge DC-AC Converters |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/INDUSCON58041.2023.10374984 |
Author | Henrique Eissmann Buzzi |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Adriano Peres |
Conference | INDUSCON 2023 |
Year | 2023 |
Country | |
For citation | H. E. Buzzi, T. D. Curi Busarello and A. Péres, "Design of a Digital Phase Lead-and-Lag Voltage Control based on Frequency Response Approach for Single-Phase Half-Bridge DC-AC Converters," 2023 15th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, 2023, pp. 1396-1401 |
Title | Projeto e Implementação de um Inversor Full-Bridge Para Validação de Estratégias de Controle |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/INDUSCON58041.2023.10374653 |
Author | Bressanini, Gabriel Lucas; |
Co-authors | Lima, Daniel Martins; Normey-Rico, Julio Elias; Busarello, Tiago Davi Curi |
Conference | INDUSCON 2023 |
Year | 2023 |
Country | |
For citation | G. L. Bressanini, D. M. Lima, J. E. Normey-Rico and T. D. C. Busarello, "Projeto e implementação de um inversor full-bridge para validação de estratégias de controle," 2023 15th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, 2023, pp. 1616-1623, |
Title | Simplified Control Strategies for Power Converters in a Grid-Connected Hybrid DC-AC Microgrid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/FES57669.2023.10182409 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Marcelo Godoy Simões; Hannu Laaksonen; Kimmo Kauhaniemi |
Conference | IEEE 2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES) |
Year | 2023 |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, M. G. Simões, H. Laaksonen and K. Kauhaniemi, "Simplified Control Strategies for Power Converters in a Grid-Connected Hybrid DC-AC Microgrid," 2023 International Conference on Future Energy Solutions (FES), Vaasa, Finland, 2023, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Contributions to Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Observers for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Systems |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815646 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | - |
Conference | 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM) |
Year | 2022 |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, "Contributions to Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Observers for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Systems," 2022 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2022, pp. 162-167, doi: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815646. |
Title | Comprehensive Design Approach for Field-Oriented Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815693 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Abdullah Bubshait; Oruganti V. S. R. Varaprasad; Abdulhakeem Alsaleem; Marcelo G. Simões |
Conference | 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM) |
Year | 2022 |
Files | soon |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, A. Bubshait, O. V. S. R. Varaprasad, A. Alsaleem and M. G. Simões, "Comprehensive Design Approach for Field-Oriented Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines," 2022 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 2022, pp. 168-173, doi: 10.1109/GPECOM55404.2022.9815693. |
Title | Control Strategy based on Frequency Response for a Single-Phase Full-Bridge Series Active Filter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COBEP53665.2021.9684111 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | - |
Conference | COBEP 2021 - 16th Brazilian Congress of Power Electronics |
Year | 2021 |
Files | Script for Designing the Controller |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. Curi Busarello, "Control Strategy based on Frequency Response for a Single-Phase Full- Bridge Series Active Filter," 2021 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP), 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/COBEP53665.2021.9684111. |
Title | Hardware-in-the-Loop Experimental Setup of a LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverter with Digital Proportional-Resonant Current Controller |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COMPEL52922.2021.9646047 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Joel F. Guerreiro, M. G. Simões and José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | Twenty-second IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics - IEEE COMPEL 2021 |
Year | 2021 |
Files | |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. Curi Busarello, J. F. Guerreiro, M. G. Simões and J. A. Pomilio, "Hardware-in-the-Loop Experimental Setup of a LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected Inverter with Digital Proportional-Resonant Current Controller," 2021 IEEE 22nd Workshop on Control and Modelling of Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/COMPEL52922.2021.9646047. |
Title | Step-by-Step Design Procedure for LCL-Type Single-Phase Grid Connected Inverter Using Digital Proportional-Resonant Controller With Capacitor-Current Feedback |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/GreenTech48523.2021.00076 |
Author | Guilherme Renkel Wehmuth |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Adriano Peres |
Conference | The Thirteenth Annual IEEE Green Technologies (GreenTech) Conference |
Year | 2021 |
Country | |
For citation | G. R. Wehmuth, T. D. Curi Busarello and A. Peres, "Step-by-Step Design Procedure for LCL-Type Single-Phase Grid Connected Inverter Using Digital Proportional-Resonant Controller With Capacitor-Current Feedback," 2021 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), 2021, pp. 448-454. |
Title | Three-Phase D-STATCOM with Digital Current Control Strategy in abc-Reference Frame |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/iCoMET48670.2020.9073883 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Kamran Zeb, Muhammad Asim Sarwar, Hee Je Kim |
Conference | 2020 3rd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET) |
Year | 2020 |
Simulation file | File 1: script on matlab File 2: simulink File 3: PDF |
Country | |
Video-Description | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, K. Zeb, M. A. Sarwar and H. J. Kim, "Three-Phase D-STATCOM with Digital Current Control Strategy in abc-Reference Frame," 2020 3rd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET), Sukkur, Pakistan, 2020, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Effect of Modulation Techniques on Capacitor Voltage of Modular Multilevel Converter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/INMIC50486.2020.9318121 |
Author | Waqar Uddin |
Co-authors | Kamran Zeb; Muhammad Adil Khan; Muhammad Ishfaq; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; H. J. Kim |
Conference | 2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC) |
Year | 2020 |
Country | |
For citation | W. Uddin, K. Zeb, M. A. Khan, M. Ishfaq, T. D. C. Busarello and H. J. Kim, "Effect of Modulation Techniques on Capacitor Voltage of Modular Multilevel Converter," 2020 IEEE 23rd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC), Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 2020, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Zero-Crossing Detection Frequency Estimator Method Combined with a Kalman Filter for Non-ideal Power Grid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COBEP/SPEC44138.2019.9065661 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Sergio Luiz Sambugari Junior, Newton da Silva |
Conference | IEEE 5th SPEC (Southern Power Electronics Conference) and 15th COBEP (Brazilian Power Electronics Conference) |
Year | 2019 |
Simulation file | File 1: For simulation only File 2: For automatic code generation in F28379D MCU LaunchPad File 3: PDF |
Country | |
Video-Description | |
For citation | T. D. Curi Busarello, S. Luiz Sambugari Junior and N. da Silva, "Zero-Crossing Detection Frequency Estimator Method Combined with a Kalman Filter for Non-ideal Power Grid," 2019 IEEE 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (COBEP/SPEC), Santos, Brazil, 2019, pp. 1-6. |
Title | DC-link Voltage Regulation of Single-Phase Grid- Tied PV System using Fuzzy-PI Controller |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ICET48972.2019.8994542 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Waqar Uddin; Kaleem Ullah; Rafiq Asghar; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Hee Je Kim |
Conference | 15th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET) |
Year | 2019 |
Country | |
For citation | K. Zeb et al., "DC-link Voltage Regulation of Single-Phase Grid- Tied PV System using Fuzzy-PI Controller," 2019 15th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Peshawar, Pakistan, 2019, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Design of Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Single-Phase Grid-Tied PV System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ICET48972.2019.8994614 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Saif-ul-Islam; Waqar Uddin; Imran Khan; Muhammad Ishfaq; Zahid Ullah; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Hee Je Kim |
Conference | 15th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET) |
Year | 2019 |
Country | |
For citation | K. Zeb et al., "Design of Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Single-Phase Grid-Tied PV System," 2019 15th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Peshawar, Pakistan, 2019, pp. 1-6. |
Title | A Tutorial on Implementing Kalman Filters with Commonly Used Blocks |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IECON.2019.8927549 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | M. G. Simões |
Conference | IECON - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) |
Year | 2019 |
Simulation file | File 1: For simulation only File 2: For automatic code generation in F28335 |
Paper | IECON2019_Busarello |
Country | |
Video-Description | |
For citation | T. D. Curi Busarello and M. G. Simões, "A Tutorial on Implementing Kalman Filters with Commonly Used Blocks," IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019, pp. 60-67. |
Title | Designing a Second Order Generalized Integrator Digital Phase Locked Loop based on a Frequency Response Approach |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ISGT-LA.2019.8895304 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Kamran Zeb; Adriano Peres; V. S. R. Varaprasad Oruganti; M. G. Simões |
Conference | 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America (ISGT LA) |
Year | 2019 |
Simulation file | File 1: For simulation only File 2: For automatic code generation in F28335 File 3: PDF |
Country | |
Video-description | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, K. Zeb, A. Peres, V. S. R. V. Oruganti and M. G. Simões, "Designing a Second Order Generalized Integrator Digital Phase Locked Loop based on a Frequency Response Approach," 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America (ISGT Latin America), Gramado, Brazil, 2019, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Design Procedure for a Digital Proportional-Resonant Current Controller in a Grid Connected Inverter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/SPEC.2018.8636052 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | J. A. Pomilio, M. G. Simões |
Conference | 4th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2018 |
Year | 2018 |
Simulation file | |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, J. A. Pomilio and M. G. Simões, "Design Procedure for a Digital Proportional-Resonant Current Controller in a Grid Connected Inverter," 2018 IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), Singapore, Singapore, 2018, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Cluster Formation Strategy as Ancillary Service of a Battery Storage System in a Secondary Distribution System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/INDUSCON.2018.8627257 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Hugo J. Lara Urdaneta, Adriano Peres, J. A. Pomilio, M. G. Simões |
Conference | 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON) |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, H. J. L. Urdaneta, A. Peres, J. A. Pomilio and M. G. Simões, "Cluster Formation Strategy as Ancillary Service of a Battery Storage System in a Secondary Distribution System," 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), São Paulo, Brazil, 2018, pp. 467-473. |
Title | An Overview of Transformerless Inverters for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ICECUBE.2018.8610988 |
Author | Kamran Zeb |
Co-authors | Saif Ul Islam, Waqar Uddin, Imran Khan, M. A. Khan, Sajid Ali, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Hee Je Kim |
Conference | 2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICE Cube) |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | K. Zeb et al., "An Overview of Transformerless Inverters for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System," 2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICE Cube), Quetta, Pakistan, 2018, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Understanding the Staircase Modulation Strategy and its Application in Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IAS.2018.8544721 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | A. L. de Sousa Marcondes Reuter, A. Peres and M. G. Simões |
Conference | IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) |
Year | 2018 |
Simulation file | FILE |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, A. L. de Sousa Marcondes Reuter, A. Peres and M. G. Simões, "Understanding the Staircase Modulation Strategy and its Application in Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter," 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), Portland, OR, USA, 2018, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Battery storage system with active filtering function based on the conservative power theory for wind generators |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IESES.2018.8349844 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES) |
Year | 2018 |
Country | |
For citation | T. D. C. Buasarello and J. A. Pomilio, "Battery storage system with active filtering function based on the conservative power theory for wind generators," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES), Hamilton, New Zealand, 2018, pp. 21-26. |
Title | Three-phase smart inverter for flexible power conditioning in low voltage distribution systems |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IAS.2017.8101775 |
Author | Ali Mortezaei |
Co-authors | Xuliang Hou, Marcelo G. Simões, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello and Fernando P. Marafao |
Conference | 2017 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting |
Year | 2017 |
Country | |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, X. Hou, M. G. Simões, T. Davi Curi Busarello and F. P. Marafão, "Three-phase smart inverter for flexible power conditioning in low voltage distribution systems," 2017 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 2017, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Weighted average efficiency and analysis of investment of photovoltaic systems in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/PEDG.2017.7972546 |
Author | Adriano Peres |
Co-authors | Alexandre Kellermann, Rene Alfonso Reiter, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | 8th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG 2017) |
Year | 2017 |
Country | |
For citation | A. Peres, A. Kellermann, R. A. Reiter and T. D. C. Busarello, "Weighted average efficiency and analysis of investment of photovoltaic systems in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina," 2017 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), Florianopolis, 2017, pp. 1-7. |
Title | Design And Implementation Of Lead-Acid Battery State-Of-Health And State-Of-Charge Measurements |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COBEP.2017.8257324 |
Author | Gabriel Bressanini, |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Adriano Péres |
Conference | XIV Brazilian Power Electronics Conference 2017 (COBEP 2017) |
Year | 2017 |
Country | |
For citation | G. L. Bressanini, T. D. C. Busarello and A. Péres, "Design and implementation of lead-acid battery state-of-health and state-of-charge measurements," 2017 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP), JUIZ DE FORA, Brazil, 2017, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Application of The Current Decomposition of The Conservative Power Theory in Distributed Energy Resources |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/INDUSCON.2016.7874490 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Adriano Peres, Ali Mortazeai and Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Conference | 12th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications - INDUSCON2016 |
Year | 2016 |
Country | |
Errata | Fig 3 in the paper is wrong. The correct figure is this --> Figure 3 repaired |
For citation | T. Davi Curi Busarello, A. Peres, A. Mortezaei and M. G. Simões, "Application of the current decomposition of the Conservative Power Theory in Distributed Energy Resources," 2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 2016, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Multifunctional Strategy For Four-Leg Grid-Tied Dg Inverters In Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems Under Symmetrical And Asymmetrical Voltage Conditions |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/INDUSCON.2016.7874491 |
Author | Ali Mortazeai |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Marcelo Godoy Simões and Ahmed Al Durra |
Conference | 12th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications - INDUSCON2016 |
Year | 2016 |
Country | |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões, T. D. C. Busarello and A. A. Durra, "Multifunctional strategy for four-leg grid-tied DG inverters in three-phase four-wire systems under symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage conditions," 2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 2016, pp. 1-8. |
Title | A symmetrical Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter used as shunt active power filter for ideal and deteriorated voltage conditions |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IAS.2016.7731855 |
Author | Ali Mortazeai |
Co-authors | M. Godoy Simões, Ahmed Al Durra, Fernando P. Marafao and Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | 2016 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting |
Year | 2016 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simoees, T. D. C. Busarello, A. A. Durra and F. P. Marafao, "A symmetrical Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter used as shunt active power filter for ideal and deteriorated voltage conditions," 2016 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, 2016, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Synergistic operation of distributed compensators based on the conservative power theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COBEP.2015.7420029 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | IEEE 13th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 1st Southern Power Electronics Conference (COBEP/SPEC) |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello and J. A. Pomilio, "Synergistic operation of distributed compensators based on the conservative power theory," 2015 IEEE 13th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 1st Southern Power Electronics Conference (COBEP/SPEC), Fortaleza, 2015, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Multifunctional control strategy for asymmetrical cascaded H-Bridge Inverter in microgrid applications |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IAS.2015.7356820 |
Author | Ali Mortazeai |
Co-authors | Godoy Simões, M.; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Marafao, F.P.; Al Durra, A.; Abdullah Saad Bubshait. |
Conference | IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões, A. S. B. Bshait, T. D. C. Busarello, F. P. Marafão and A. A. Durra, "Multifunctional control strategy for asymmetrical cascaded H-Bridge Inverter in microgrid applications," 2015 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Addison, TX, 2015, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Power quality achievement using grid connected converter of wind turbine system |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/IAS.2015.7356817 |
Author | Abdullah Saad Bubshait. |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Marcelo Godoy Simões; Ali Mortezaei |
Conference | IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | A. S. Bubshait, M. G. Simões, A. Mortezaei and T. D. C. Busarello, "Power quality achievement using grid connected converter of wind turbine system," Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2015 IEEE, Addison, TX, 2015, pp. 1-8. |
Title | Coordinated operation in a multi-inverter based microgrid for both grid-connected and islanded modes using conservative power theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ECCE.2015.7310311 |
Author | Ali Mortezaei |
Co-authors | Godoy Simões, M.; Al Durra, A.; Marafao, F.P.; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | Mortezaei, A.; Godoy Simões, M.; Al Durra, A.; Marafao, F.P.; Curi Busarello, T.D., "Coordinated operation in a multi-inverter based microgrid for both grid-connected and islanded modes using conservative power theory," in Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE , vol., no., pp.4602-4609, 20-24 Sept. 2015 |
Title | Staircase Modulation Based Battery Storage System with Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multivel |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/PESGM.2015.7285729 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Abdullah Saad Bubshait; José Antenor Pomilio; Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Conference | IEEE Power&Energy Society General Meeting |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, J. A. Pomilio, A. S. Bubshait and M. G. Simões, "Staircase modulation based battery storage system with Asymmetric Cascaded H-Bridge Multivel Inverter," 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, 2015, pp. 1-5. |
Title | A Multi Task Microgrid Inverter Based Instantaneous Power Theory in Islanded and Grid-Connected Modes |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/PESGM.2015.7286400 |
Author | Ali Mortezaei |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello, Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Conference | IEEE Power&Energy Society General Meeting |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | A. Mortezaei, M. G. Simões and T. D. C. Busarello, "A multi task microgrid inverter based instantaneous Power Theory in islanded and grid-connected modes," 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, 2015, pp. 1-5. |
Title | Power Quality Enhancement by means of Shunt Compensators based on the Conservative Power Theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/PSC.2015.7101699 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Marcelo Godoy Simões |
Conference | IEEE Clemson Power System Conference |
Year | 2015 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello and M. G. Simões, "Power quality enhancem ent by means of shunt compensators based on the conservative power theory," 2015 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), Clemson, SC, 2015, pp. 1-5. |
Title | An Intelligent Battery-Based Energy Storage System based on Multilevel Inverter and the Conservative Power Theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Helmo K. M. Paredes; José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | PCIM South America 2014 - International Conference and Exhibition for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management |
Year | 2014 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | -- |
Title | Bidirectional multilevel shunt compensator with simultaneous functionalities based on the conservative power theory |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1049/cp.2014.0471 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | The 7th IET international conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives - PEMD2014 |
Year | 2014 |
Country | |
Simulation | Simulation |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello and J. A. Pomilio, "Bidirectional Multilevel Shunt Compensator with simultaneous functionalities based on the Conservative Power Theory," 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014), Manchester, 2014, pp. 1-6. |
Title | Impactos técnicos decorrentes da conexão de geradores fotovoltaicos com injeção de reativos em redes residenciais |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Alexandre Candido Moreira |
Co-authors | Danilo Iglesias Brandao; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; José Antenor Pomilio; Luiz Carlos Pereira Silva; Helmo Kelis Paredes |
Conference | Simposio Brasileiro de Sistemas Eletricos (Brazilian Symposium of Electrical Systems) |
Year | 2014 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Analysis of a Derivative Hybrid Power Filter in Distorted Voltage Grid |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/ISGT-LA.2013.6554381 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Newton da Silva; Edson Adriano Vendrusculo; José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Techonologies (ISGT-LA) |
Year | 2013 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | T. Davi Curi Busarello, E. A. Vendrusculo, J. A. Pomilio and N. da Silva, "Analysis of a derivative hybrid power filter in distorted voltage grid," 2013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Latin America), Sao Paulo, 2013, pp. 1-5. |
Title | Small-Signal Model for a Derivative Hybrid Power Filter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Newton da Silva; Edson Adriano Vendrusculo; José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | IEEE International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) |
Year | 2013 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Design of a Multilevel Active Power Filter for More Electrical Airplane Variable Frequency Systems |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/AERO.2013.6497375 |
Author | Joel Filipe Guerreiro |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | IEEE Aerospace Conference |
Year | 2013 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | J. F. Guerreiro, J. A. Pomilio and T. D. C. Busarello, "Design of a multilevel Active Power Filter for More Electrical Airplane variable frequency systems," 2013 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 2013, pp. 1-12. |
Title | Design and Implementation of a Multilevel Active Power Filter for More Electric Aircraft Variable Frequency Systems |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COBEP.2013.6785237 |
Author | Joel Filipe Guerreiro |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | Brazilian Power Electronic Conference |
Year | 2013 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | J. F. Guerreiro, J. A. Pomilio and T. Davi Curi Busarello, "Design and implementation of a multilevel active power filter for more electric aircraft variable frequency systems," 2013 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, Gramado, 2013, pp. 1001-1007. |
Title | A Control Approach Based on Frequency Response for Line Harmonic Current Mitigation using Hybrid Active Power Filter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/EnergyCon.2012.6347759 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Newton da Silva; Edson Adriano Vendrusculo; José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | IEEE International Energy Conference & Exhibition - Energycon |
Year | 2012 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, N. da Silva, E. A. Vendrusculo and J. A. Pomilio, "A control approach based on frequency response for line harmonic current mitigation using hybrid active power filter," 2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON), Florence, 2012, pp. 237-243. |
Title | Resonance Mitigation in Distorted Voltage Grid with Passive Filter by a Hybrid Active Power Filter |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Newton da Silva |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; Edson Adriano Vendrusculo; José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | Power Electronics South America - An Event Sponsored by PCIM |
Year | 2012 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Simplified Digital Control for a Unified Power Quality Conditioner |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Josue B. Dias |
Co-authors | Marcello Mezaroba; Cassiano Rech; Leandro Michels; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | Brazilian Conference on Automation - CBA |
Year | 2010 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Three-Phase Feeding System for Rural Electrification |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | 10.1109/COBEP.2009.5347734 |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Josélito A. Heerdt, Alessandro L. Batschauer and Marcello Mezaroba |
Conference | Brazilian Power Electronics Conference - COBEP |
Year | 2009 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | T. D. C. Busarello, J. A. Heerdt, A. L. Batschauer and M. Mezaroba, "Three-phase feeding system for rural electrification," 2009 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, Bonito-Mato Grosso do Sul, 2009, pp. 1046-1051. |
Title | Simplified Digital Control for a Unified Power Quality Conditioner |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Josue B. Dias |
Co-authors | Marcello Mezaroba; Cassiano Rech; Leandro Michels; Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | Energy Quality Brazilian Conference - CBQEE |
Year | 2009 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Three-Phase Feeding System for Rural Electrification (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Ivan Xavier Zanatta; Marcello Mezaroba |
Conference | XXIII Regional Scientific Initiation Conference |
Year | 2009 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Digital Control of a Half Bridge Neutral Point Three-Phase PWM Inverter Implemented in a TMS320F2812 DSC |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Jonathan Domini Sperb |
Co-authors | Marcello Mezaroba, Vinícius Miranda Correa, Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Conference | Brazilian Power Electronics Conference - COBEP |
Year | 2007 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Introduction to the Multifuntional Use of Power Electronics Converter applied in Distributed Generation (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Filipe de Nassau e Braga |
Co-authors | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello; José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | Power System Researchers Meeting |
Year | 2012 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Introduction to Hybrid Power Filters (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | Power System Researchers Meeting |
Year | 2012 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Comparison between the techniques of Capacitor Banks and Tuned Passive Fitlers as Power Factor Correction. (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | José Antenor Pomilio |
Conference | Power System Researchers Meeting |
Year | 2011 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Design of a 65W DC-DC Flyback Converter with Universal Input (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Marcello Mezaroba; Alessandro Luiz Batschauer |
Conference | XVIII Scientific Initiation Seminar |
Year | 2008 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |
Title | Three-Phase Feeding System for Rural Electrification (written in Portuguese) |
DOI - Direct Object Identifier | -- |
Author | Tiago Davi Curi Busarello |
Co-authors | Vinicius Miranda Correa; Marcello Mezaroba. |
Conference | XIX Scientific Initiation Seminar |
Year | 2009 |
Country | |
Simulation | -- |
For citation | -- |