Welcome! Here on my webpage you will find a little about me, my past and ongoing projects, my list of publications, free tutorials and project files and much more. Enjoy!
Digital Control for Power Electronics, Grid-connected Inverters, Power Quality and SmartGrids
In Tutorials tag as well as in Publications, you find several project files like simulations and design scripts.
In 2014 during my PhD, I worked as a visitor researcher at the Colorado School of Mines, USA. In 2022/2023 I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vaasa, Finland
I have been working as a reviewer for the most important transactions of IEEE and conferences. I also worked as editor for some journals of MDPI
My name is Tiago Davi Curi Busarello. I have been working as a professor since 2016 at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. I am a senior member of IEEE and a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Society. I hold Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD degrees, all in electrical engineering. I have been passionate about power electronics since my third year of the bachelor's course in 2007. I enjoy sharing my project files, either after publishing a paper or creating tutorials.
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My ongoing and past research projects
I have been publishing my research in a books, in chapters of books, in journals and in conferences. Take a look!
Read MoreCitations of my work can be found in GoogleScholar
I am constantly creating tutorials (or simply producing simulation files) covering applications of power electronics and posting them here.
In case you find any mistake in my tutorials and files, don't hesitate to contact me
Fundamentals of Power Electronics by Robert W. Erickson and Dragan Maksimović
Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems, by Amirnaser Yazdani and Reza Iravani
Power Electronics Handbook, 5th editon by Muhammad Rashid
Pulse-width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters, by Marian K. Kazimierczuk
Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems, by Remus Teodorescu et al
Model Predictive Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, by Venkata Yaramasu and Bin Wu
Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning, by Hirofumi Akagi et al
Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Conversion Systems, by Yongheng Yang et al
Control of Power Electronic Converters and Systems, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, by Frede Blaabjerg
Digital Control in Power Electronics, by Simone Buso and Paolo Mattavelli